Sep 26, 2012 16:03
I don't need the NHL season to watch the coyotes this season. This morning I was about to turn on the street leading to my parents' house and saw what at first seemed like a dog running past in front of me, but the gait seemed wrong. When I got up to it I saw it was a coyote, and another was there in the yard it ran into. Cool beans. My folks are a ways from the "wilder" part of the Valley of the Sun, and that is the first time I have seen them that far inside the city limits.
Today I did something I had not done in about twenty years... I got a flu shot. For some reason I have had this hunch for the last couple weeks that I better get one this year.
Oh, got a call a little over a week ago. A friend I have only seen once in the last thirty years may be headed out this way. Of course I am frazzled and frantic... that is who I am. Methinks she wants to go do something, but I hope I can talk her into just hanging around for a bit. I am not into going places.