Arizona Summer is officially upon us

Jun 01, 2012 07:29

Today starts the "official" Arizona summer with our first 110° F blast of the year. I am hunkered down, not really because of heat, but because I finally broke a long streak of nights without a lot of sleep. Last night was perfect, with almost 6 hours of sleep, and I plan a possible nap today just to reap the benefits.

It is not often I like an Indy car race better than the NASCAR race, but the Indy 500 was pretty enjoyable, and the Cup race was not so much. I agree with Takuma Sato that Franchitti should have given him more room, but, it was the last lap and people tend to be a little over-protective on that lap. I did find Franchitti and Ashley Judd's kiss a little reminiscent of Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley's kiss on MTV.... though Dario seemed to be in the Lisa Marie role. I wish we would see a few more Sato-esque finishes... he came close to taking it... ballsy and agressive and really did not wreck entirely because of his move, but rather another car refusing him the space. Anyhow, cool beans.

I tried to write something for Memorial Day but it got mired in itself, so I think I will just post it here as one small start of a poem that I can possibly work on at another time. I hate when my Muse gets the hiccups.

Where glory fails must faith suffice ?
Is there always value in paying the price ?
How many lives must we lose to war,
Before we decide to have no more ?

racing, poetry

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