Mar 09, 2012 12:50
I was saddened to hear that LiveJournal was no longer officially supporting lj_scribe. I hope that enough people continue that it can thrive, but suspect the lack of that extra touch of motivation brought by LJ Tokens will sap some of its drive. I guess, since my drabble on confusion was the last officially sponsored champion, that I at least have the knowledge that the crown will remain mine (Yes, that does sound every bit as dorky to me as it does to you) . "I am the champion my friends... I'll hold the title till the end !" (With all apologies to Queen LOLOL !)
Todays' Norton update package was 6.66 mb ! Maybe I need to buy a lottery ticket.
There once was a poem I had written
About what it's like to be smitten
I wrote from the heart
But left out the part
Of the pain when your neck has been bitten
This is one of those strange days where I am endowed with far too much energy. I have gotten several chores done including laundry getting done, cleaning out my car, and organizing a lot of poetry notes and such, and I've probably walked a couple miles in the confines of this tiny house. Though manic energy is not unto itself necessarily a good thing, I have learned to try to harness it to get some things done while it lasts.
One last dorky thing to share. Across the alley is a young, but pretty sizeable pit bull. Yesterday I heard some crazed barking and looked out to see this dog charging against the chainlink fence in a frenzy. Not two feet away from it sat a black cat, calmly licking its paws and cleaning its face, as cool as could be. If that is not a sign that animals have a sense of humor then I do not know what is. That cat knew full well it was antagonizing the dog.