Here is the most current list of all my Holmes fics. They tend to be BBC-verse, but some Ritchie-verse or canon stuff might show up. Everything is likely to be male/male oriented, so if that sort of thing bothers you, it would do you well to steer clear. I also write things anti-chronologically, so this is the best way to read things in order. Spoilers for everything apply.
Westwood Living series:
- Recruiting (R) Jim/Sebastian- Six years ago, Jim Moriarty found himself looking for a new bodyguard. And even before he knew he was, Sebastian Moran was looking for a new employer.
- Get a Day Job (R) Jim/Sebastian- In preparation of his meeting with Sherlock in the biggest game of all, Jim knows he wants to get closer to him. He should get a job...
- Jim from IT (R) gen/ hints of Jim and Seb- Jim? Jim from the hospital? Moriarty’s side of the events leading up to the Great Game…including the hell of being the Napoleon of Crime and taking tech calls.
- Wear a Scarf (R) Jim/ Sebastian- Jim Moriarty still has some things to take care of before the Great Game...including breaking up with Molly and keeping his minions very very happy.
- Locker Room (R) Jim/ Sebastian- Don't want to be too spoilery here, but Sebastian has some things to get off his chest after the pool.
- Live Stream (NC-17) Jim/ Sebastian- Someone asked in another fic is there was sex. Well...yes. Jim figures a live broadcast should clear that up.
- I Started a Joke (R) Jim/ Sebastian- Well...Jim thinks that whole ending was disappointing and funny. Sebastian disagrees. Vehemently.
One Shots:
- Saved as Draft (R) John/ Sherlock- You know those posts for your blog that you save and never post? Yeah, John does it too.
- Stream of Bloody Consciousness (R) John/ Sherlock- John Watson, real time, when Sherlock tries something he hadn't before. Well, what did you think would come of sleeping in Sherlock's bed?