Jul 07, 2006 08:28
Such as it is. Let's see, in no particular order:
*Watching movies again, going to the movies. Superman Returns had its weak moments, but overall was really quite, quite good. I liked it at least.
*Side note: theatres seem to be attracting the worst scum of society, I swear. The Screeching Baby Syndrome has now been neatly overtaken by the Planet-Sized Bitch That Stinks Like Rotting Hot Dogs problem. I kid you not. Having to sit next to that...thing...for 2+ hours nearly ruined my enjoyment.
*The Business Thing - the demo for MA! 1 is done, save for the OGL and Open Content stuff. And with the release of the demo, the new site goes live. Huzzah. I've learned *not* to set unrealistic deadlines for myself. And thanks to Phil Reed, we did a massive format change that's kicked MA! 1's pagecount to 64. Yeek.
*The Job Thing - I'm *really* looking forward to getting PZP up to speed, because working the phones is like working part-time. Eesh.
*Dave! Yes, the Dave has returned, with many tales of his journeys while away from Austin. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most of them include the elements of 'drunk' or 'naked'. Morgan, of course, hijacked the GM System to make Dr. Hawking's voice come out of his stereo, much to the amusement of all.
More later, as I think of it.