Hit Me with your Clue-By-4

Jun 13, 2009 13:49

I hate to bring this up, but these almost two weeks have had me seriously thinking on how I managed to get to this place in life. Yes, it does involve the past and a certain subject matter that has been on my mind during this time.

I have a real confession to make, good reader, that took me long enough to realize: There has, by my best memory, only one gal who was gutsy enough to approach me! Not as a "Secret Admirer" (that would have been romantic, and yes I would be very touched by such a gesture!) But during one of the Health classes at the old BOHS, a gal actually had the intestinal fortitude to tell me out of the blue that she wanted to do the bone bounce with me! The way she said it though, had me thinking of the consequences (remember, this was a heath class: such material was covered upon,) so I had to regretfully decline her demand for teenage mating, in spite of actually appreciating such brazenness and the chance.

But that was the last time ever that any gal showed that she that she had interest in any capacity. Fast forward to post move back to Native Soil (to the nowhere-land that is CLE,) from SoCal: On average from my experience, the girls of NE Ohio don't seem to be as out front as the above gal in terms of showing interest, not even as a "Secret Admirer", I never had one: but I was one at least once *sigh*!. My problem: No one, including dad, ever told me what to look for if a girl has interest in me (the only thing dad told me was "If you see your chance, take it!"). This not knowing may be the real reason for my being such a romantic klutz. My time working the Berea Roll&Bowl (bowling alley/rollerskating rink) was a time where I gained the sorry rep of being a "cold fish" to those who were there for any regular amount of time: I'd blow chances left and right, both from not knowing and from fear of trying.
Real fun, eh? Not while being "Ground-Zero" of all that!

So, as you the reader may ask, did I ever get the ol' cherry popped? Yes I did, from one of my sister's (younger sib#1) school chums. I wanted to start something more relational, but she only did it out of pity (and to make "a man" out of me shortly after dad's death,) and only wanted me for that one night.

So, what about Ms. "She who'll remain nameless"? Like I said before, It was how I felt at the time, but gave it a rest after the "Great Birthday Present Debacle" of Jan 15, 1987. I was too crushed after that to continue the point any further, sans an apology from her which she never made. Her loss.

I guess I really do need to be hit upside the head with a paper heart decorated clue-by-4 after all... figures!


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