Dec 19, 2006 17:49
Rules: So the point of this game is to post ten weird habits/random facts about yourself and then "tag" ten people who then have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You have to tag them in your blog and then post a comment on their page saying that you tagged them. No tag-backs.
1./ My parents are naturists. This means, if any of you don't know, that they go to specified places and take off their clothes and wander around naked with each other. Although they haven't been for over ten years (to my knowledge), this was a regular thing when I was about 7. It didn't do me any harm at all :-p
2./ I can't ride a bike. I might have mentioned this before, but I cannae remember. I tried when I was about 7, and gave up. I now feel it's too late to try again!! If anybody is willing to teach me and have patience (I am very physically unco-ordinated), please do. It's very embarrassing.
3./ I once stole £5 from my Dad to buy a Terry Pratchett book when I was about 14. The book was shit. I felt guilty.
4./ I have this thing about guys who are geeky. Not really geeky. But kind of Jake Gyllenhaal in "Proof" geeky. As in, if any of you haven't seen that film (and I don't blame you), it's the kind of geekery which means the guy is quite quiet and shy, very intelligent and passionate about his thing, but also has a great body underneath. Um, yes. Bit specialist methinks!
5./ I once bought a Hanson CD. Please don't judge me. In fact I have 2 Hanson CDs. That's it though. Promise!
6./ I am allergic to a special kind of red ink. At primary school they used to give the kids stamps on the hands, with this cool stamp thing, for good work. Whenever I got stamped I came out in a rash thing. I liked the attention too much though, so it took a couple of allergic reactions before I told them!
7./ I have a really bad habit of putting my fingers in my ears if it's itchy or whatever. Not only is it possibly quite unhygienic and not particularly attractive, it's become almost soothing. I should really stop as I'm getting tinnitus!!
8./ I have flat feet, meaning the arches in my feet have collapsed. Some people say I walk a bit weirdly. Now you know why. Also this means shoe shopping can be a potential motherfucker, as it means that shoes which seem comfy aren't comfy at all. They can be horribly deceptive, in fact.
9./I had never been drunk before I came to university. Look at me now, quite the alcoholic!!!
10./ Now this is something that you will probably not know...during sixth form college I was a secret smoker for about six months. Don't judge me!!!! In my defence, it was only the odd cigarette. I promise!!!
I tag..whoever wants to do it! And you have to be as honest as I was!!