Aug 21, 2007 04:21
I know this is late but i wanted to post about our marriage retreat Tammy and I had a great time. We made it to each event with time to spare even were early to sign in. The people were great they had speaking. We found out he likes to do voices and hopefully next year we will do something on stage with a couple of us doing voices like king of the hill in the alley. We had a lot of fun just being together. We had break throughs with problems we were having. the only let down of the whole weekend was her family. they were too quick to joke and sneer at Tammy's expense. then her dad and mom are only happy and proud of her brother and sister. he had this big stinking prayer about how good they were doing in life and when asked about it they said did you get a new job or job and did we have a baby which they know we have been having problems with that. they would have never shoved that fact in Jenny's face. Tammy and i had a wonderful time there and i prayed for her family to ask for forgivness for the ways that they treat her. they are as much christians as i am a pole dancer. I love my wife and we met some new friends that we will be hanging out with next year instead of the family. they treat us like human beings and don't judge us on every detail. i can't wait to go with my wife to next years retreat.