(no subject)

Aug 23, 2010 03:07

My girlfriend wanted to know more about me and see more of my journal than the couple entries she'd seen so far, so I just spent the last hour or so going through this entire thing, picking out which entries I felt comfortable sharing with her. I have a few things I'd like to say in response to what I saw.

* Samantha, I wish I'd been able to see things better through your eyes. I said and did a lot of things that probably really hurt you and I'm deeply sorry you had to go through it all. I'm amazed you stayed around as long as you did and never let the hurt become apparent to me. You're very strong and you must have loved me very deeply. Thank you.

* I'm very impressed by anyone who's been around for the duration. I've gone through tons of things and overreacted to 90% of them. Thank you for being through it all with me time and again.

* I'm EXTREMELY thankful that I've grown so much over the last few years. I'm no longer the person I was when I wrote a good number of those entries and seeing them all in black and white like that is a bit off-putting. Honestly, I wonder sometimes how anyone could manage to be my friend through all that. I was a mess.

* Thank you to those of you who, on and off, read my journal without me even realizing. I know a few of you are silently watching and I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your continued concern. (I'm looking at you, Zenka, Kristinthalys, Crablouse, etc.)

I think those are probably the most important things that stick out for me. Man, what a read that was.
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