where I am

Feb 21, 2010 13:54

Stuff going on lately:

* connecting with my roommate, Vivian, a little
* trying to maintain my friendship with Victoria with some kind of regularity
* generally feeling pretty transparent as far as communication via e-mail, voice-mail, facebook, etc. go
* quite possibly losing my best friend (Samantha); going through the emotional processing
* attempting to reconnect wtih my father after roughly ten years of silence
* getting slightly jealous of close friends getting married, engaged, or otherwise having uber-successful relationships, and trying not to stew in it
* continuing misadventures with my car
* finishing a mix CD of mashups and wondering what musical phase I'll float into next
* feeling reasonably confident, stable, and content overall and trying not to let any of these particular things change that
* generally wanting a long talk with a friend to vent about these things
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