Dec 01, 2005 16:47
I'm sure you know how this goes... pikey'd it from Ollie cus I was bored... and avoiding work!
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
1. jillzebub, because Lally Hastings called me it from about year 9 and it stuck.
2. i think it's "jillzebub's random page". why? because it's mine and nothing on it necessarily makes sense.
3. i don't know, probably something along the lines of "stupid witterings" because it's the kinda thing i'd write!
4. My Homies because i felt ghetto when i created my LJ.
5. currently a dragon because i wana get my tattoo done!