(no subject)

Jun 19, 2002 23:42

tuesday i had a hair appointment at 8am. it was fun, well, there was no one there, it was all quiet and stuff... um, yeah.
i came home and right away i had to go to drivers ed for 4 hours. we did turns, and we drove to port clinton and cataba island and stuff.. it was fun. mr yeckly lectures way too much....
then i came home and i went car shopping, i test drove a green sunfire with a sunroof and a spoiler, 2 doors. i liked it, except it was green.. and i hate green...... so yeah, it was like a 2001 and it was $7000 but i don't really want it..... *shrug*
i came home and i called molyl right away cuz we were talking about doing something tuesday night cuz its the only night this whole summer so far both of us had off work. so turns out jena and sarah were just in her driveway to pick her up and so they could go to the mall so i just went with them. we saw kara and james and abbey and karina there... yeah. but we didn't really talk
we stopped at mcdonalds ont he way home so molly could pick her up paycheck and i got one of those new flatbread chicken things. it was good. haha.
i came home, and i guess i just sat around for a while.. i went to sleep probably around midnight
^was obviously a busy day, since i didn't even have time to update^
today um, i cleaned my room and computer desk all morning, then when my mom got home from workw e drove to norwalk to look at a black cavalier that we saw on bill klaus's website, but when we got there it was gone.. ugh. so we came home, it was probably 6, we stopped at another car dealership, they had a purple 2 door cavalier but it didnt have a sunroof or a spoiler... and they had a 4 door silver sunfire with a spoiler but not a sunroof..... so that sucked.
we came home and we went driving around a while, went to my aunt bonnies house to visit her, john and dee went ther too and we just talked for a while..
i came home, it was 9, i called tara to see if she could give me a ride to work tomorrow. she's not coming until 9:15. woo a late day ;x i dont know when we're staying until though
then i continued to look up some cars online that my mom could call the phone numbers to tomorrow and *shrug*
i'm getting really frustrated on the car thing, aoisdjfoajsdfoije. my head hurts
oh YEAH whiel i was at my hair appointment, you know my old orthadontist, well, orthadontics is a long story for me, haha. but, i ended up really hating him, anyway, i wished he would die once...... and i found out he had cancer and i was like oh well doesnt matter, cuz a lot of peopel are LIVING with cancer, and they have no problems, but yeah, he died like 2 weeks later and i just found out and he has like 6 kids and i feel kinda bad now
oh yeah, kara got her license today
i get my license exactly two weeks from today. i would like to have a car by then, so i can practice maunverability in my car, and get used to it before i get my license..... and also, wahts the point of having your license if you're not going to have a car..?
wooo, i love face masks, theyre so cool :)
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