World Turned Upside Down

Jan 18, 2009 09:57

Hi all

Not been on for ages due to above scenario.  Yes, i know it happened once before and you would be forgeiven for thinking i err towards the dramatic but this time it got turned inside out too.

No matter I am alive to tell the tale [tho wont bore you with it as it as long as it is unbeleiveable].

However, have come thro with following knowledge:

Humans can be awesomely ruthless and self-centred in pursuit of their own ambitions and see nothing wrong with creating emotional and physical collateral damage along the way, however devasating this may be

Past friendships and relationships seem to count for nothing when the above is under way

You really DO know who your friends are at crisis point and sadly, I now seem to have none that I can trust.

That animals are really the only creatures you can rely on, cos they don't ever pretend to be other than what they are so, even if you don't like everything about their character, at least you know where you stand.

Wild magic DOES exist, along with serendipity, signposts left by the Universe and karma.  That was proved to me yesy
terday and on 25.12.08 both at Avebury, Wilts, and on 2.1.09 in Sussex, so I shall continue to watch, listen and learn.

Hope all is well in your respective necks of woods, otherworlds, lives, hearts and minds.

More soon...


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