I'm back?

Apr 09, 2011 14:43

After years, I find I've fallen into fandom again. It's weird reading fic again. Being obsessed with a show and a pairing. Scouring the internets for anything having to do with a single character. It's like remembering high school, only my memories of fandom are fond. I honestly thought I was unable to be a fan any longer, that my attention couldn't be focused as it was years ago. I'm thrilled to find I was wrong.

No idea how long this will last but I'm happy to be back.

For any of my friends that are still reading this journal, I'm doing just fine. Life is as life usually is. Working, friends. No significant life events, no major issues. Life is good.

I may end up using this journal more, likely for fandom stuff. My comments on life tend to me <140 characters and better suited for twitter.

Hope you all are well and have been well. I've missed you all and this life.
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