- 16:26 For @Txvoodoo: you have to see these! twitpic.com/otf97 #
- 17:11 Aurora Mall is dangerous. Watched a teen smack around her friend in the mall. Crazy!!! #
- 17:11 @ cincodemaygirl RECIPE, PLS!? #
- 17:12 RT @bibliotech: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a rich widow.
- Evan Esar // Woo, there is hope for me! # - 17:15 @ txvoodoo OMG LOL. I didn't know you could get jailed for too many tweets. I enjoyed the hcr blow by blow! #
- 21:05 Finally watching the pilot of V. I loved this show when I was a kid. Scare the crap out of me, but I loved it. Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!! #
- 21:07 Also, Morena Baccarin is just ridiculously beautiful. I love seeing her and Alan Tudyk in the same show again. Makes me so happy. #
- 21:40 Charts of healthcare costs in US vs other countries. tinyurl.com/ygp93ht
#hcr # - 21:49 Or not. #
- 07:34 Fucking stores with fucking insulting bra collections. I'm getting really tired of this. Anyone have store recs for large bra sizes? #
- 08:56 This is why I love my job. I've been in the office 10 minutes and already someone is being grossly incompetent. Sigh. #
- 08:56 RT @DavidShuster: shocked by tea party like protest outside the Obama girls' school this morning. // WAY OUT OF LINE!! #
- 09:00 RT: @maddow: Mmmm... nice chart... is.gd/4QW6O // Very interesting. Nice to see that political machinations always win. #
- 14:29 I just applied for another job. One that I'm perfectly qualified for. I feel bad because I love my boss, but this company sucks. #
- 14:36 Want an awesome massage and in the Denver area? My sister (@lisastacey) is awesome. Call to schedule. bit.ly/4kkpbW #
- 14:41 @ ZoniDuck You too? Awesome! #
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