(no subject)

Oct 26, 2011 05:00

So it's 4:30 am and I'm awake. Trip anxiety & headache.

Grandma Rose passed away early Monday morning. She'd been in hospice with kidney failure since about the time of my renal adventure two years ago. She'd been on dialysis and hung in there for quite a while, but her circulation was poor and she was admitted to the hospital last week with gangrene in her feet. They were set to take them, but...

It wasn't shocking news. I'd been preparing for this since I saw her in September '10. Still, the finality is a difficult thing. Talking to my aunts I know she was more than ready, so I suppose that makes it a little easier.

Two of my cousins called me within minutes of hearing the news. Both said virtually the same words. "I needed to talk to someone and you were the first person I thought of--the closest thing I have to a sister." Touching and also helpful. It was funny, the cousin network was more in touch with each other Monday than our parents were. Perhaps it's a product of our techno-hungry information generation; at any rate it's great to have this support system.

In a few hours my parents will be here with the minivan we rented; we'll load up the goobermobile and hit the road. There's only a few last-minute things to pack, and all four adults are signed up as drivers. Hopefully it will be an uneventful and detour-free trip. LOL

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