Apr 01, 2011 23:05


How are you doing guys? I hope everyone is ok!

I was talking with transaminase  (welcome back to lj dude!!) about my plan to scan every picture we have as a family that is in paper. This is going to take some time of course, but I begun from the really ooooold pics that are black and white and have people that are mostly dead and she said that she would like to see them.

She also said I should make this entry in the form of a meme so that other people would post old pictures of their family too but I don't think I can do this.

So, I'm just gonna say that I would be really interested in seeing photographs of your ancestors! If anyone has the time and wants to do something like that, that would be awesome! 

Here are some of the ones I found in my parents place.

The ladies here are the magnificent women as my mother calls them. The girl in the front is my grandma.

That's my maternal grandfather. He was quite the looker.

Ohhh his hair!

The lady in the right, my grandmother,  used to make clothes for a living. This explains why the dresses are so alike.

This is the magnificent lady that was in the right side, in the back row in the first pic. She used to be feisty.

The coat that my grandfather is wearing here is amazing...

That's my mum.

And the boy holding the lamb is my dad.

These are the women from my father's side of the family. One of them (not in this pic) is now pretty famous for charity work and stuff.
She doesn't speak to any of us any more of course...

I have some more but these are the most interesting IMO.

I'm gonna eat some pineapple now because it helps with period pains.

Have a great weekend everybody!! 

picscam, pictures, super entry

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