Sep 02, 2006 11:11
I have had possibly the worst first week of classes ever. I would have missed two classes, chapel, and work if Nelson and Frank weren't gone Thursday and Friday. Instead I just missed one class and chapel and work on Thursday. All because I didn't hear my alarm. I know why I didn't hear my alarm on Monday, but I'm not sure how the alarm on my phone got turned off. I don't know what the deal was on Thursday. I checked the sound and everything when I rushed out of bed and it was fine. It wasn't that big of a deal. I was only ten minutes late to my 12:00 class and Mary Kay wasn't that upset that I didn't go into work after chapel.
Other than that, things have been good for the most part. I'm still getting into the whole school mode and have to make myself read for my classes. We'll have to see how much of the assigned reading I actually do. I skimmed the last half of the chapter about the creation of the presidency for my Presidency class. It was really boring because it was stuff that I already knew, so I just skimmed over it and read some random parts that I didn't know too much about.
So we get paid this coming Friday (summer pay none the less :D) and I'm so excited about it. I have ABSOLUTELY no money to my name at all right now. I'm acutally in debt with stuff that I have to buy yet too. I have no food to feed myself this weekend and I still have books I need to buy for class. I'm glad that gas is cheap becuase when I actually have money to buy gas, I won't spend as much as what I have been spending on it lately.
My friends are being super nice about it though. Janelle told me to eat whatever food I wanted this weekend, along with giving me $20 to get groceries with. And Jessie said that my movie ticket would be paid for when I go see a movie with them tonight. I don't know how to respond to offers like that because I don't want to seem like I'm being a mooch and ungrateful about thier offers. It's also been my upbringing though. I was always taught that if you can't afford the extras, then you don't get to enjoy them. Sigh, what a dillema I'm in. Do I go to the movies and "mooch" off my friends or do I stand by my "beliefs" and not go? Why does life have to be so hard?
Well, that's pretty much the extent of my often pathetic life. I should probably get some reading done, considering I'm working at the football game tonight and might be going to the movies afterward. TTFN!