Dec 04, 2005 04:21 pissed off...let me give you the rundown of my day...woke up in the worst pain anyone has ever had...went to the ER after i found out that i couldnt move and my dad carried me to the car and i screamed and he drove...arrived at er was asked stupid ass questions and then finally i got in a wheelchair and then in a bed and i got an iv and lots of pain killers and had tests done and a ctscan and then stayed there for about 7 hours.
im not gunna lie that whole ordeal made me feel like i was on the OC...when actually only the AC haha. lets see i got home and robbie caleed and i told him the ordeal and hten i layed down and slept a while
then woke up and called robbie and then he went to sleep and i watched 2 movies and here...tlaing to my ex about how robbie i san ass to him and hes trying to like blackmail me into having him stop or else he'll do all this shit to break us up and im pretty pissed off and i dont trust him and i dontknow what to do so whatev i'm so over this and him and ahhhh i hate him...hes fucking the biggest asshole ive ever met and i should have figured that out befre i started dating him...........yes that is sean...snd i wish a flaming fireball would hit him right at this very second.
thats all ive gotta go deal with this...lata