I’ve been spending hours in bed recently, more hours than necessary.
Our house is freezing, the heating doesn’t want to work in my room but my bed is oh so warm. I’m also unable to interact with the outside world when I have a hangover.
I’ve been thinking about the different reasons people drink. I’m a happy person and no one could say I’m not a happy drunk but I’m also a drunk who looses what intelligence and balance they have. Last night I apparently walked out in front of a bus. I do that when I’m sober but at least I remember doing it. Stop laughing now…really it’s not funny…A BUS PEOPLE I could have been mowed down. Ok it’s a little funny, I’ll admit, but I don’t like gaps in my evening, I do enjoy having memories of everything I’ve done and a near death experience is one of those things that shouldn’t be forgotten.
I’m trying to think of interesting things to tell you.
What else have I been up too?
Not allot. I’ve been feeling a bit wistful really, like get out the macabre girly metal, dye your hair black and sulk…my hair looks better by the way, no more orange.
OH OH and I had my ear pierced again I almost forgot about that. You know the little sticky out bit on the inside of your ear it’s called the tragus. Maria had her tong pierced the same day. We had them done at cold steel m y favourite place now; they’re good at sticking needles in people. I can understand why people find it addictive, I want another one now. We then wandered around Camden for a while where every second person you pass whispers (skunk…weed) it’s like Morocco “Hashish hashish.” I love the old school punks in Camden, they look like they’ve just stepped out of the late 70’s and aren’t too happy about what they’ve found. Maria outed herself as a pro barterer she got some wicked cool shoes for £8. Who could say no to that pretty face…and that demanding Greek ascent!
I’m still a ‘My Space’ addict if you haven’t added me yet you must because ‘My Space’ is all about looking like you have lots of friends. I really want the respect of other ‘My Space’ Junkies so help me out! The address is
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=15545620&Mytoken=CCF30EB9-8736-89C8-E986B110F157C08B74221163 Well I gotta go gotta go before I say something stupid (yes I’ve been listening to Reel Big Fish, I still love them)
I’ll probably think of something else that I just HAD to tell you all after I leave the library but for now so long.