...but it’s not as if I don’t try I just mess up and I go wrong but…I can change I can change I can learn to keep my promises I swear it" *Violent Femmes*
This Is My Life, RatedLife:
Take the Rate My Life Quiz Wow my life’s not too bad...not too bad at all, but I think this chart is telling me something about my love life hehe ooops at least everything else is good...except the money bit but I'm a student and a compulsive spender living it London!
I'm taking online quizzes and updating my live journal at long last so you may have guessed I'm at home in Quorn. Breath in *sigh* village life.
I haven’t smoked today at all! I think I deserve a gold star, normally I would be getting through my 5th AT LEAST!
I was the most hungover I have ever been after Halloween. I know it's cheaper and lasts longer but I'm NEVER drinking beer again. I'm a vodka kind of girl and that will never EVER change.