Where Are You...HERE I AM

Sep 27, 2005 13:30

I’m alive I’m ALIVE.

No really I am and this is Jillian speaking/typing.

It has gotten to that stage where I have too much to tell you. That’s how exiting my life is.

Here’s the break down kiddie winks (I’ve rediscovered this phrase I love it)

I came back to London
I went to Simons 28th birthday, got drunk and very happy until I spilt a pint glass and apparently nearly cried about it.
I stayed at Sarah’s house until I moved in.
I went to a Manga meeting with Sophie, it was tres funny, the people were cute and nice. I would like some of the outfits from the cartoons although I don’t have a hot animated Japanese body.
I moved into the house.
Liam moved into the house.
VV moved into the house.
Sarah and Wendy came round.
We had a tiny party.
The police and environmental health were called momentarily the neighbours hated us the landlord still does.
I apologised profusely to neighbours, I did that pathetic quivering bottom lip, I really was sorry I don’t like annoying people.
I met American Jillian (not me NOT ME) I know more exist we will TAKE OVER THE WORLD MWHAHAHAH.
I had my first lecture…Liam and I woke up late. We had an hour lie in but still managed to get there a mere 20mins late ROCK.
Now I’m going to smoke.
My hair is now pink.
I hope I get a job.

Peace out

Much love

Talk to you soon

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