Sep 01, 2005 21:45
*He says "UHOH" I love you but I'm not sure I trust you, you seem strange to me*
I’m back from London.
Liam, VV, Maria and I have a house for next year WHOOP. It’s going to be the best house ever…I have a tea set already.
It was a tiring week. House hunting is fun for the first day but the novelty is brief. At least viewings were entertaining, I like nosing around other peoples stuff. I would never read their diary or rifle through their drawers but you can get a feeling of the previouse tenants just by looking at the posters on the wall and the clothes pouring out of the wardrobe.
I split up with Simon while in London. Surprise surprise for all you sceptics. It’s my fault again, I’m trapped between wanting to be a doting girly girl and a radical feminist so I don’t do stable girlfriend well. Looking at my unshaven legs it seems I’m leaning towards feminism this week. There are boring details as to why I split up with him which I can’t be bothered to go into. For once it seems as though I’ve kept a good friend because on Wednesday he rescued me.
I got to the train station for the 4:25 because you can’t use your savers return after 4:30…or I thought so anyway. NO you have to use it before 4. I couldn’t get another train till 7:55…I had nothing to do in London I was poor by now having stayed a day longer than expected. The train man wrote AFTER 7:30 in big marker pen numbers on my ticket I asked if I could perhaps get the 7:25…of course no, it’s still before 7:30. I just burst into tears. I know how ridicules…those of you who have seen me cry…it’s not romantic. I called my Dad when I got out of the station because he’s the most logical person I know (as most Richards are) but when he asked what was wrong I just cried more. So I sat down outside the station, had a cigarette and read my book. I remembered Simon said he was going to be in London so I called to see if he was anywhere near St Pancras. He was in Kingston too far away. He came anyway though and pulled me up off the floor, he hasn’t joined the “I hate Jillian” club yet. We’ll see how it goes though.
At the time though we just drank and chatted until I had to get the train, always a good plan.
Mom and Dad weren’t surprised I split up with Simon, neither were any of my friends. By now they expect an ending 5-6months in, at the most.
Mom said at the table tonight that no one had ever meant much to me after Nick. That was the boy I thought could do no wrong when I was 16. You know when your in love and besotted at the same time. He moved to London and came back to see my once. Thanks for reminding me Mom. I guess everyone needs an excuse for ruining all their relationships because you know I will never blame myself mwhahahaa!
Right Harry is coming around oh the tales I have to tell and the tales he has to tell me! Bedtime stories are the best.