The subject for the weekend was mostly painting. Although Friday night we did attend the Bell Household Family Yule party which was a blast as always. I love that we bring gifts that are either handmade, something that needs a new home or as a last resort something pagany that is purchased. We all bring somthing and return home with something. This year I got a lovely plant - an African Violet. I'm going to have to look up just how to care for it becuase I know they can be particular. My grandmother always had them in her house so it is a lovely memory for me every time I glance over at it.
Saturday the painting began and it didn't finish until late Sunday night. So here's the pics:
These were the two colors I had picked out. I brought home samples to paint on the walls to see which one would look the best. I have to admit in the store I would have picked the one on the left but after putting them on the walls the one on the right won out hands down. I'm so glad I brought home samples!
Covering everything so we could start with the ceiling. The ceiling is a snow white - I have cathedral ceilings and I need for them to reflect the light down - so white it was. Bill was amazed at how many shades of white there are - "Isn't white just white?" Apparently not!
I love that Bill! He painted all of the ceiling! Aubri and I did the cutting in along the walls where we could reach but Bill really did the lions share of the work.
We found out that Aubri is afraid of heights! She never let her hand leave that wall the entire time she was up there. She didn't realize that she was scared either until she got up there. Her brothers squirrel around up there every year to put the mistletoe on the light or to change the batteries in the smoke detector but she had never been up there. But she was a trooper and did her painting while she was there... the getting down was the hard part!
I dont' remember what he was doing but we did manage to get a smile out of him now and then. LOL
So with the living room done, we moved on into the kitchen.
I painted this little wall between the living room and the kitchen with the rest of the sample... the more I saw of it the more I liked it.
Sunday we moved on to the walls. I was busy painting since I could actually reach the walls - so no pics of the progress but here are some of the outcome:
I just love how clean and fresh everything looks now. I still have a couple of walls to finish but they are short ones that I can do without Bill's help. I need for him to take the carpet off the stairs next weekend so I can do the stairway up and down and finish the project before New Years. Since we have a party every year I try to have something finished in the house that is new every year. This year it will be the painting. Hopefully next year we will have new floors in the living and kitchen and new countertop in the kitchen.