Oct 01, 2018 22:16
A continuation as the first blog post was too long for Live Journal!
Dominus Ludovicu, pro dimid’ cendallo ad unum pallium, & pro cendallo ad unum capellum ad ag’. XV. s.
Lord Louis, for a half (a bolt?) of cendal for a hanging and for cendal for a cloak at ag. XV. s.
Pro roba, de viridi forato de celdal, octo dies ante Magdalenum. LX. s.
For a gown, of green, furred with cendal, eight days before Saint Magdalenes LX. s.
Pro roba de Estamfort quam habuit die sabbati post medium Augustum. XXXVI. s.
For a robe of stamen that was had the Sunday past the middle of August. XXXVI. s.
Pro roba camelini, & pro capa forata quam habuit ad Septembrechiam. X. L. v. s minus
For a gown of camlet, and for a lined cloak that was had at September. X. L. less 5. s.
Pro II. capis pluvialibus quas habuit ad S. Remigium. LXVII. s.
For 2 rain cloaks that were had at Saint Remigium. LXVII. s.
Pro sua roba viridi quam habuit XV. dies ante Omnium Sanctorum. C. s. V. s minus.
For his gown of green that was had 15 days before All Saints. C. s. less 5 s.
Pro sua chapular’ de camelini furator de v. XL. s.
For his camlet scapular lined with vari. XL. s.
Pro sua roba camelini ad Omnium Sanctorum. IIII. L.
For his camlet robe at All Saints. IIII. L.
Pro capa forata domini Tocelini. C. & IX s.
For a lined cloak Lord Tocelini, C. and IX s.
Pro grisiogr’intorum & muflorum, V. L.
For gray gowns and gloves (mufflers) V. L.
Regina, pro tunica & pallio & supertunicali quam domina Margarita habuit ad medium Augustum. VI. L. III. s minus.
The Queen, for a tunic and veil and overtunic that Lady Margaret had at the middle of August. VI. L. less 3 s.
Pro roba Reginae, & pro sua capa forata quam habuit ad S. Remigium. XXVIII. L. III. s. minus.
For the Queen’s gown, and for her lined cloak that was had at Saint Remigius. XXVII. L. less III. s.
Pro II. paribus robarum quas Dominae habuerunt. XVIII. L.
For 2 pairs of robes that the Ladies had. VXIII. L.
Pro uno pellicio grisio, & II. de escurellis. VII. L. & dim’.
For a pelicon of gris, and 2 of squirrels. VII. L. and a half.
Pro II. ulnis de burneta ad caligas. XVI. s.
For 2 ells of brunet for stockings. XVI. s.
Rosellus, pro tunica. XX. s.
Rosellus, for a tunic. XX. s.
& robis servientum Archiepiscopi
and clothes for the servants of the Archbishop
Par furura varii minuti quam Rex habuit ad supertunicale de camlino, in craftino compoti, LXV. s.
For a miniver lining that the King had for the camlet supertunic, in the craftino account, LXV. s.
Et pro furura varii minuti ad capam de camelino, ad S. Andream, C. sol.
And for a miniver lining for the camlet cloak, at Saint Andrew, C. sol.
Pro furura minuti varii ad supertunicale quod habuit tunc, LXX. s.
For a miniver lining for a supertunic he had then, LXX. s.
Pro capa scarlatae quam Rogerus Pica habuit, XV. deibus ante Natele, VI. L & IIII. x
For a scarlet cloak that Roger Pica had, VS. days before the Nativity. VI. L. and IIII. s.
Pro capa scarlatae molatae quam Rex tunc habuit. XV. L.
For an embroidered scarlet cloak that the King had then. XV. L.
Pro roba sua scarlatae quam habuit ad Natale, XVI. L.
For his scarlet gown that he had for the Nativity. XVI. L.
Pro capa quam Malc’ habuit VIII. diebus post Natale, IIII. L. & III. s.
For a cloak that Malc’ had eight days after the Nativity, IIII. L. and III. s.
Dominus Ludovicus habuit post compotum I. capam viridem & I. capularium ad S. Andream, quae costaverunt VI. L, III. s. minus.
Lord Louis had after the accounting 1 green cloak and 1 scapular for Saint Andreas that cost VI. L. less III. s.
Et pro I. supertunicali de camelino qudo habuit tunc, LXIII. s.
And for 1 overtunic of camlet at the same time. LXIII. s.
Pro sua roba nigra quam habuit ad Natales, C. s. III. s. minus
For his black gown that was had at Nativity. C. s. less III. s.
Et pro sua roba de camelino de Natali, IIII. L. & IIII. s.
And for his gown of camlet for Nativity, IIII. L. and IIII. s.
Pro suo pellicio XXXV. s.
And for his pelicon XXXV. s.
Uxor Domini Ludovici, pro sua roba viridi ad Natale, XIII. L. V. s. minus.
The wife of Lord Louis, for her green gown for the Nativity. XIII. L. less V. s.
Pro pellicio Margaretae, XX. s.
For a pelicon for Margaret. XX. s.
Pro duabus robis de burneta quas nutrices Pissiaci habuerunt ad Natale, XXVII. L. & dim’.
For 2 burnet gowns for the Poissy nurses that they had for Nativity., XXVII. L. and a half.
Pro duabus robis scarlatae quas pueri habuerunt ad Natale, IIII. L. & XII. s.
For 2 scarlet gowns that the children had for Nativity, IIII. L. and XII. s.
Pro roba quam cameraria habuit VIII. diebus post Purificationem, LX. s.
For chamber robes had eight days after the Feast of the Purification, LX. s.
Pro serico ad jacendum pueris, & capellis & fresellis, & pro pannis & tuallis & camisis quas tunc pueri habuerunt, XLI. s.
For silk for the delight of the children, and cowls and trims, and for fabric and towels and chemises that the children had at this time. XLI. x.
Castellanus Ebroicarum, pro roba, X. L.
At the Ebroica castel, for gowns, X. L.
Pro roba Hugonis de Gravella ad carni-pruvium, XIIII. L.
For a gown for Hugo de Gravella at Carnipruvius. XIIII. L.
Pro furatura minuti varii ad capam de camelino, & pro forando capucio capae ad aquam quam Rex habuit in prima die quadragesimae, VI. L.
For a miniver lininng for a camlet cloat and for lining and hooded cloak for water that the King had the first day of Quadragesimae. VI. L.
Pro I. capello furato de grisio, IIII. sol.
For 1 cowl furred with gris. IIII. sol.
Pro roba scarlatae ad Pascha, XCI. L. & dim.
For a scarlet gown for Easter. XCI. L. and a half.
Et pro supertunicali furato de vario minuto quod portatum fuit in exercitum, LXII. s.
For an overtunic lined with miniver worn while with the army, LXII. s.
Et pro capa camelini furata de minuto vario quam habuit tunc, VI. L, V. s. minus.
And for a cloak of camlet lined with miniver that was had at that time. VI. L. less V. s.
Pro II. tunicis de Esteinfort ad armare, XXXIIII. s.
For 2 tunics of stamen for arming, XXXIIII. s.
Pro roba scarlatae ad Penthecosten, XVI. L. & dim.
For a scarlet gown for Pentecost. XVI. L. and a half.
Pro furura supertunicalis viridis de vario minuto quam habuit tunc, LXV. s.
For lining a green overtunic with miniver that was had at that time. LXV. s.
Pro furura varia magni supertunicalis ad surgendum, C. s. IIII. s. minus.
For vair lining for large overtunics for rising, C. s. less IIII. s.
Pro sua capa ad Pentecosten, IX. L. & dim.
For his cloak for Pentecost. IX L. and a half.
Pro furura varia ad robam Willelmi de Garlanda, VIII. L. & dim.
For a vair lining for the gown of William de Garland, VIII. L. and a half.
Pro tribus paribus robarum Militum novorum ad Penthecosten, XXII. L.
For three sets of new military robes at Pentecost. XXII. L.
Coopertorium novum furatum de cendalo, LXXII. s. ad Penthecosten..
New coverlets lined with cendal, LXXII. s. at Pentecost.
Pro VI. cendalis ad capam & supertunicale & ad capucium capae ad aquam, & pro I. tunica ad armare, & pro I. tunica Domni Ludovici, & pro duabus tunicis cendalis viridis ad armare, VIII. L.
For 6 [bolts] of cendal for cloaks and overtunics and hooded cloaks against water, and for 1 arming tunic, and for 1 tunic for Lord Louis and for 2 green cendal arming tunics. VIII. L.
Pro tribus cendalibus & dim’, & dimidia ulna, nigris, ad armaturas faciendas, C. s.
For three [bolts] and a half of cendal and half an ell, black, for the making of armour. C. x.
Pueri Pissiaci. Die Sabbati prima quadragesimae, pro VIII. ulnis telae ad camisias & ad pannos faciendos, XVI. s.
Children of Poissy. The first Sunday of Quadragesima, for VIII. ells of linen for chemises and to make clothing, XVI. s.
Pro XXIIII. ulnis telae ad camisias Dominarum ad eundem terminum. XL. s.
For 24 ells of linen for chemises for the Ladies at the same time, XL. s.
Pro camisiis camerariarum, XV. s.
For chamber chemises, XV. s.
Pro IIII. tuallis, VII. s.
For IIII. towels. VII. s.
Pro Xii. ginplis ad opus Dominarum & camerariarum, & pro laqueo serico, LXIII. s.
For 12 wimples for use of the ladies and those of the chamber and for silk nets. LXIII. s.
Pro roba camerariae tunc, LVIII. sol.
For a chamber gown, then LVIII. sol.
Pro tunicis & supertunicalibus & pelliciis & caligis quas pueri habuerunt ad Pascha, C. & VII. s.
For tunics and overtunics and pelicons and boots that the children had for Easter, C. and VII. s.
Pro tunicis & supertunicalibus & pelliciis grisiis ad Penthecosten, IIII. L. & dim.
For tunics and overtunics and pelicons of gris for Pentecost. IIII. L. and a half.
Pro duabus paribus robarum quas Dominae habuerunt ad Penteosten.
For two sets of robes that the Ladies had for Pentecost.
Pro XLVIII. ulnis telae ad quatuor paria pannorum quos habuerunt VIII. diabus post Pentechosten, LXXXIII. s.
For XLVIII. ells of linen for four sets of clothes that they had 8 days after Pentecost. LXXXIII. s.
Pro II. paribus pannorum ad camerarias, XX. s.
For 2 sets of clothing for the chamberers XX. s.
Pro XI. ulnis telae ad camisias puerorum, & ad tunicum, & ad unum cheinse, XXII. s.
For XI. ells linen for children’s chemises, and tunics, and for a cheinse. XXII. s.
Pro mappis & tuallis, XI s.
For napkins and towels. XI. s.
Pro robis Domini Ludovici & uxoris suae, C. & CLV. L. V. s. minus
For robes for Lord Louis and his wife, C and CLV. L. less V. s.
Et pro papilionibus, & cendallis, & aliis harnesiis, VII-XX, L, XIIII. s. minus.
And for a pavilion, and cendals, and all kinds of harness, VII-XX (140) L. less XIIII s.
Et pro vestibus servientum Girardi de Marc & Galteri de Roinai, CC. L.
For clothing the servants of Gerard de Marc and Galteri de Raoinai, CC. L.
phillipe augustus,
13th century,
12th century,