Translation Augsburg 1516 Tailor's Test Part 3

Feb 12, 2013 16:37

das is ain fraue[n] schawb darzw
kompt 7 elen [symbol] / mach die schaube[n]
lang ii fiertayl vnd
ii elen / das hind thayll weyt vnd 6 elen bloss vnd das
forder 5 ele[n] vnd die ermel 1 fiertayl vnd 1 ele[n] lang
das hind stuck findestü nebe[n] dem örbel / vnd schneyd die
schawbe[n] auss ain and[er] wie sie vor dir stett [Item] du müst
dich fyrsetze[n] das die schawben[n] machest auss 7 ele[n]

This is a Woman's schaube (a coat) thereto
comes 7 ells [?whole]/ make the schaube
2 quarters and 2 ells long / and the back side wide and just 6 ells and the
front 5 ells and the sleeves 1 quarter and 1 ell long
you should find the back section next to the sleeves / and cut the
schaube apart how it is before given [Item] you must yourself
put forward how the schaube is made out of 7 ells

Notes:  There is a symbol that may signify omnis - meaning whole or general.  I'm not convinced this is what it means yet.  In 1516 a schaube is a coat.  I wonder if the bit about cutting between the arms means that this is a circular type pattern and that the tailor needed to locate the spot where the sleeves would attach to fit it properly, or alternatively if there might have been a yoke piece.

Das ist ain gesöllen klayd / darzw kompt 7 ele[n]
mach den[n] rock lang 2 elen[n] / mach die vorder[n] thayll vor
ne[n] 3 elen[n] / das hinder on ain[n] fiertail 4 elen[n] weyt
vnd mach das hinder bristlein 3 fiertail lang
tayll den rock auss wie er vor diz stett / lass die
Kappe[n] vorner[r] am örmel herauff gen[n] vnd nim and[er] halb
fiertayl vnd 1 ele[n] volgemesse[n] /

This is an journeyman's clothing / thereto come 7 ells
make the gown 2 ells long / make the forward part up front 3 ells
the back less a quarter 4 ells wide
and make the back bodice 3 quarters long
piece the gown out as was previously set down / let the
hood in front of the sleeves go up and take the other ell
and half quarter (1/8) ell carefully measured

tailor's text

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