First read through the Augsburg 1516 Tailor's test

Jan 29, 2013 23:16

I've transcribed the first page nd have read through this several times.  As a synopsis, the first paragraph is an introduction to the test, and who will do the testing of the candidate.  The general information asked on this test is the amount of fabric needed, and the layout of the pattern length and widthwise.  There are some basic measurements given for length and width. There aren't any fabrics named.

The garments in the test:
Dantz Rock (dancing gown - this may be for a man) - takes 10 1/2 ells
Vammes Rock (a 'doublet gown') takes 5 and 3/4 ells
Mantl (a cloak) takes 9 ells
Frawen Schawb (a woman's coat-gown) takes 7 ells
Gesellen Klayd - includes a rock and kappen and gesess (journeyman's clothes - a gown and hood and knee length hosen) takes 7 ells
Armen mann's klayd - includes a mantl with zipfel, kappen, hossen or a gesess (poor man's clothes - a cloak, a hood, hosen or a knee length hosen) takes 6 ells
Bawren rock includes a rock and gesess (farmer's clothing with a gown and knee length hosen) takes 5 ells
Flygel Rock (a woman's gown with hanging sleeves from the upper arms) takes 10 ells
Rock wenn du zwu Kyrchen gann incudes mantel and 'barhosen' (men's gown to wear when going to church includes a cloak and a pair of hosen) takes 8 1/2 ells
Pfaffen Rock (a priest's robe) takes 10 ells and includes a kappen (hood/cowl)
Frantzösistcher Mantl (a French cloak) takes 7 ells
Frauen Rock von 8 Stück ( a women's gown of 8 pieces i.e. a gored gown) takes 10 ells

So next it will be seeing if I can understand the stream of consciousness in the measurements/cutting layouts.  I'll need to also indentify the length of the ell, but the front piece of the woman's gown measurement should give me a pretty good idea.  With more study I might change up some of the descriptions above, but I was pleased that I could just sit down and read it.  For me it represents an advancement in skill level.  Sometimes it's hard to tell if you are making progress.  I do know 10 years ago I could probably make out one in 20 words, and now I can't make out immediately about one in 20.  Still have a way to go though :-)  I wonder if school offers a paleography class?

tailors text

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