I have to share this, because occasionally (okay, no, OFTEN) I get spam that entices me to read it further. And this one is quite the gem in all its Engrishy glory. Perhaps random, silly and stupid, but it made me ROFLMAO (
do do de do-do), so there.
Subject: How to Get a Flat Viscus Fast
Doh you deprivation a flat viscus? The majority of people ar carrying solon than rectangular levels of body bodily property, only when experiencing a flat viscus when they cell their stomach inwards! If you’re carrying a fewer superfluous pounds you’re not lonely. You area unit actually rectangular! Inwards these fast food for thought contemporary world which speech act immediate gratification there’s national leader men and women fleshiness than e’er. How many people solfa syllable you know that wealthy person a flat viscus?
First off, WTF? (Are they saying one should be shitting bricks? LOL.) I guess I can sort of glean what they're saying, but it's more the LOL factor that's so great about it. (Although it isn't nearly as funny after the first read-through.) It makes me think of this silly "Engrish" book on Amazon.com that someone once said was a hilarious read:
How to Good-Bye Depression. Although the best of the best "Bad English" (but
not the music group, LOL) out there is posted on
Engrish.com. Hey, when you need a quick laugh, it's easy entertainment, okay?
Funny stuff, I tell ya. Anyone else gotten any "germs" of their own lately?