Feb 25, 2008 16:04
A bunch of emergency vehicles are out back behind our building here (at work)...apparently one of the Sound Transit workers, who is up above (on the rail platform they're building behind us) is sort of leaning over holding his chest, my Dad says. That's probably not a good thing. I wondered why all the sirens seemed to be so close by. @_@ My guess is if there's a medical emergency going on, they'll need to "climb up" via ladder to reach the platform (although they have some wonky-ass stairs they put up, but those are pretty flimsy-looking), or access the platform from the overpass next to it. I think I'll just stay in here and out of the way...from the sound of it, there seems to be more emergency vehicles than necessary out there, but that's about par-for-the-course 'round here.
Such a lovely start to the week, especially given the fact there was a shooting out by my house yesterday evening, and they haven't found the shooter(s) yet. The whole thing involved a bunch of teenage punks, they know that much. LOVELY! This place really scares me sometimes, I tell ya. It ain't what it used to be. (Not that it's ever been much of anything, LOL.)
In other news: I STILL have the flu. The coughing is better, but still really nasty, and my stomach just feels really queasy (but I haven't tossed any cookies as of yet). And I just feel really weak and bleah. I basically slept through the entire weekend, and I still feel run down! If it doesn't improve by, say, tomorrow, I think I'll have to go in for some antibiotics. Ugh. It sucks. Everyone else seems to be doing better, though, and thankfully my Dad is much-improved after his ER visits the other day (why they didn't just keep him after the first visit, I still don't know; he wasn't home even two hours before having to go back). I tell ya, this crap that's going around is VERY VERY bad. Seriously, I haven't seen so many of us this sick in several years. Creepy.
local stuff,
sound transit construction,
teh sickies,
breaking news,