Google Image Labeler - It's Like Crack!

Sep 21, 2007 14:48

Okay, so in light of today's sad news about Gloria Strauss, I needed a pick-me-up, and I think I found one!

I don't know if anyone else has spotted this yet, and I just completely stumbled upon it by random chance, but it's a feature Google is beta-testing, and OMFG, if you want to waste hours with mindless image tagging in a tag-teaming fashion, you must try it! Seriously!

They basically pair you up with another random user on the site, and you are to try and better label the images in their database. The idea is to *not* use vague keywords like "car, boat, man, woman", etc. (often those are not allowed, since they are so overused online), but to try and match up with the other user (by guessing, essentially) with keywords that seem most relevant to what they show. You can pass if you honestly don't know what you're looking at, and they'll show you another image. You have about 2 minutes to tag as many images as you can, and you get "points" for matching keywords with the other user. It's kind of random, and not always easy, but a fun little challenge. And in doing so, you are halping teh Intarwebs be better!

Give it a go, if you'd like - it's like a fun mini-game once you get into it. I don't think there's any prizes, just the excitement and shameless pride-in-oneself for contributing. And hey, maybe it'll make it easier ot find pr0n online, LOL. Honestly, so far they show really boring images, nothing explicit that I could see, just stuff like NASA and political pictures. Still, it's fun! ^_^

Google Image Labeler - Beta

tagging, teh internets, internetting, tags, random geeky fun, pictures, fun widgets, beta testing, peektures, keywords, google

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