This Sucks, Beavis.

Jul 11, 2007 11:37

While I love this gorgeous weather and all, it's getting the best of me. It's not even noon yet, and it's already 85 degrees. Ugh. It never really cooled off overnight, though, so meh. It may reach 100+ in some of the foothill areas here, with enough of a dewpoint that it's going to be sticky, to be sure. Not like NYC has been, but enough that we don't know how to deal with it here! I think the last time it was this warm in July they said was in 1951 (the year my Mom was born, LOL). This is more like August weather, so I wonder if we're a month ahead, pattern-wise, or this is a sign of more misery to come? Egad! They are promising "colder" temps the rest of the week, though (well, in the 80's instead of 90's), and next week they say it'll be closer to the mid-to-upper 70's. That sounds like a downright cold snap in comparision! WE NEED RAIN! (Watch me regret saying that later...)

Just to be on the safe side, I put my Betta Eduardo's fishbowl in the upstairs hall linen closet (with the door open, I'm not THAT mean), because it's the only place upstairs that doesn't have sun beating down on it all day. All the other rooms just get too warm, even downstairs. I have the fan on in my room (two, in fact), but given how the Betta we kept around last year froze to death after the nasty storm we had (and subsequent power outage, which froze out the house - R.I.P. Floyd, LOL), I didn't want to chance Eduardo getting too hot. He'd probably be fine, but for peace-of-mind, I was being paranoid and neurotic. I'm sure he hates me, but he's the only other living thing in the house other than me right now, LMAO. So, yeah...

Anyway, this heat is KILLING me. Here at work we've got the A/C on again (YAY!), so it's cool enough inside, but once I got outdoors, UGH. And I've got an insane headache that started up last night. I slept okay, amazingly, but now the weather is taking its toll. My muscles ache like I have the flu (this happens when it's too hot/cold - I don't handle temperature extremes well at all), and I'm dizzy, and yes, I'm keeping hydrated, that I have been making sure to stay on top of. I'm sure once it cools off (and rains again) I'll improve, but for now, it is TEH SUCK. Not being used to this "extreme" weather, it does throw my delicate system off, I just don't realize it until it hits me. But, I took a migraine pill, and I'm sure eating a good lunch will help as well (I have to force myself to eat when I get too appetite goes to hell, which doesn't bode well for Hypoglycemia). Isn't my life great? And you wonder why I call myself "Jill the Pill"...I've got such a myriad of health quirks, it fits me to a tee! People who didn't know better would probably think I was a Hypochondriac, but no, although wouldn't that be easier to deal with? Meh. O_o

So, that said, I must nurse my poor aching body, and hope everyone else is too (well, no need to nurse *my* body for me, y'all take care of yourselves, LOL). That and I have work to do...ugh. Can't all. At least the Bossman brought in popsicles to share with everyone today, heh heh.

Okie dokie, I've gotta get back to work.

P.S. Everyone should watch/TiVo VH1's World Series of Pop Culture tonight, because the ever-awesome wickedandlost will be making her television debut on there as a member of the Almost Perfect Strangers 2.0 team. WooT! Way to go, and Good Luck, Kyle! Also, all haters will be dealt with accordingly, so go easy on the insults and barbs, you TWoP folks out there!

the infamous "they", weather, animals, stuff that sucks, good luck, local stuff, i feel icky and sticky and blah, drugs are good, awesome people, lj friends, sucky weather, achy breaky, brain hurty, i'm a dork, work, entertainment, television, sunscreen is your friend, about me

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