I Feel Dizzy.

Jul 02, 2007 11:23

Well, I do. I suppose I should see a Doctor, but really don't want to do that. It's not related to the Flu this time, though. I got bit by *something* on Saturday while my parents were over at the house I rent, helping do some yardwork and whatnot. Anyway, I don't know what bit me (didn't see or feel it crawling on me), but it nailed me on the ass (yes, really, and NO, there are no pictures), and then my left arm. It left what looks like *tiny* bites, but by Saturday night, they were swelling up and itching like hell, and still itch quite a bit. The swelling seems to have subsided, or at least, hasn't gotten worse. I also feel pretty dizzy and bleah. I normally react more than the usual person when I get bites, since my allergies enhance reactions to simple things (like bee stings and whatnot), so I don't tend to be concerned about these things; they may take longer to heal, but they always do.

Anyway, I have been taking Benadryl, rubbed on creams, iced the "hot spots", had my Mom take a look at them, (and of course she thinks I should just see a Doctor and have it looked at ASAP, as Moms normally do), but I think if I'd been bitten by something truly poisonous, my reaction would a) be much worse and/or b) I'd probably be dead by now. I know, I'm so optimistic! I've never had to carry around an EpiPen, but I realize I probably should, for this very sort of reason. Meh...whatever.

So, whatever it is, it's driving my itchies crazy; not sneezing really at all or anything, they just itch and are a bit tender to the touch, and have some mild welting around them (okay, so the welting is kind of large, but for me, it's mild, because a severe reaction normally makes me break out all over my body, and I'm not). I'm still putting anti-itch cream on the bites and took some antihistamines (which make me terribly drowsy), but I think that's really about all I can do. Seeing a Doc at this point probably will only cost money and they'll tell me to do what I'm already doing. I think unless it gets truly worse than it is (they are quite a bit pinkish and raised around the bite areas, but I normally do this, even from a simple mosquito or ant bite), I guess I just have to hang tough ("Hangin' Tough...Hangin' Tough...") and hope it gets better. This stuff always happens on weekends or around holidays, I swear! Ugh. @_@

So, if I suddenly go AWOL and don't post for awhile, I'm either dead or severely incapacitated. Let's hope not, though! Hopefully someone would try and find out what's up if something did happen to me at any point in time, and let the masses know. Wouldn't that be just my luck. O_o

I certainly hope whatever it was that bit me enjoyed the feast of my "rump roast" and arm. I know I didn't enjoy it nearly as much! >_<

On that ever-happy note, Happy July, and Canada Day to my friends up North, and all that jazz. Now, must work...ugh...have to close out and update the paperwork for June. *TWITCH*

achy breaky, itchy, holidays, work, if it wasn't for bad luck..., icky things, allergies, drugs are good

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