The Worst Cookies EVER.

May 23, 2007 08:50

LOL, I have to tell this little story, because it's true, and quite funny, yet sweet.

Yesterday was some sort of "test relief day" for ashjulall's daughters at school, and her oldest chose to participate in a cooking exercise as part of her fun. So, they made cookies.

Only thing is, the friend who was helping Ashley make them, instead of putting in the allotted amount of salt into the batch (which would be maybe a teaspoon?), in a measuring mishap, ended up pouring a CUP OF SALT into the mix instead. The teacher saw what happened and tried to retrieve the excess salt out of the mix and save the cookies, which was all well and good, but uhm, they didn't turn out quite as expected.

So anyway, Ashley brought some of the cookies home last night, but gave people fair warning that they might taste funny, and when I got home from work and it was *my* turn to try one, they only gave me a *very very tiny* pinch of one cookie, and said "trust us, this is all you want". I jokingly asked what was in them (drugs or something?), but they just handed me this tiny bite and I tried it.

OMFGGGGGGGGGG. It started out tasting okay UNTIL THE SALTY BITS HIT. I thought I was going to foam at the mouth. My tongue in fact is still reeling this morning. It was SO NASTY. Although the peanut butter cups that were embedded on top were delicious, the cookies were a disaster. But we knew it wasn't Ashley's fault (she knows how to cook simple things, even at 10 years old), but OMFG I feel so bad for her. She asked for us to write our opinions down, and I took a kind of Paula Abdul approach to them; I said "I've never tasted anything like them. Very unique!" Which of course was my subtle way of say "bloody awful" without being mean. Ashley knew they were nasty herself, but she just had to ask us, LOL. I think someone else said "eating them made me want to throw up", and Beth said "nice use of preservatives". Beth also expressed regret for having helped pay for the cost to make those cookies, LOL.

I dare say they'd make for an excellent dieting tool, because one would never want to eat again, or at least for a long time, but they'd want to drink a HELLA lot of water to flush the sodium and resulting water retention out, LOL. Seriously, they were the most awful things I've ever tasted. And that was just with a small sample bite! Even Cookie Monster would have turned these down. I think the "leftover" cookies got tossed out in the end, LOL. Although if anyone ever suspected their lunch was being stolen, this would be a good way to put an end to it!

So today, Ash is going to ask her teacher for the actual recipe so she can make them correctly at home. She's such a sweet girl! Unlike the cookies...although they'd be great if made properly!

And that is my story of quite possibly the worst thing I've ever eaten in my 30 years of life.

chocolate!!!!!, anguished, amusements, true story!!!!, cooking mishaps, people are funny, kids are funny

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