Mar 12, 2007 12:59
Just a quickie post, mainly because I'm short on time this week, meh.
So, I'll just give a run-down of it thus far:
*I'm basically running a "One Woman Print Shop" for the auction thingy I get to do every year, and therefore I'm having to design, edit and print out bid sheets, auction catalogs and whatnots for apparently 60+ people this year (it's a sold out event, and they keep upping the headcount on me, ahhh). And that auction is this Thursday, and I'm still waiting on last-minute details before I can go to print, so yeah...a bit stressed, but I hope it'll be worth it. (I don't get paid to do it per se, but it's business-related and it is being done during work hours, so I guess it's technically being done for pay, LOL.) Fortunately work is pretty quiet these days, so I have time to work on this, otherwise I'd probably be in a frenzied and unhappy mood about now. There's still time for that, I suppose. I try to actually have this stuff done sooner, but they always wait until the last minute to get the important details to me, grr. O_o But it's all good, because they are raising money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation this year (each year someone chooses a different charity, and we normally end up raising at least $10,000, and sometimes more).
*My cousin Michael and his wife should be having their baby in the next day or so - she went in today and ended up popping a couple of "balloon" things they er...put up there, and her contractions were enough to pop 'em. So, it's very possible by tomorrow evening little Caden John will be here. I expect he will be a large baby, given he's now overdue and has two pretty tall parents.
*Eduardo the Betta got a new bowl yesterday! I bought him a one-gallon bowl, which is a little bigger than what he had, so he has room to swim. I was a bit traumatized by having to catch him in the net (never done that before), but he didn't put up too much of a fight. He seems happy and I won him over again by giving him extra bloodworms. Yay!
*I am having fun with my Wii - I delved into Twilight Princess late Saturday night and have logged a good 6 hours or so into it already. I love being able to stabbity stab the baddies by just flicking my wrists and using general Wiimote pokery moves. Fun stuff. (I was disappointed to find that I had to manually set the time ahead on my Wii, though - it apparently doesn't do Daylight Savings, LOL. I also hate that it forces me to learn Military time...WTF!!!!!)
*My Birthday is in less than...ugh...2 weeks! I'm trying not to think about that, LOL. I still wonder if my cousins are conspiring to take me out somewhere, nobody's saying anything! *SHIFTY EYES* I need to have my hair seriously cut before I go out anywhere, though. @_@
*I am about to try my hand at beadwork, specifically making bracelets and maybe necklaces as well, depending how I do. This should be interesting, LOL. I'm going to be selling the designs, along with the Friendship bracelets I've been making, to raise funds/give as donation gifts for my 3-Day walk this year. I'll announce when that is going to happen, in case anyone is interested. We'll see.
I guess that's it...gotta get back to work. I'll probably be pretty MIA this week, so if anything exciting happens, be sure and point it out! I can always use a good distraction or twelve. ^_^
mastering multitasking,
the infamous "they",
i'm a wii-tard!,
the 3-day,
fly-by posting,
scaling mountains of paperwork,