Totally Random Stuff.

Feb 13, 2007 16:13

I really have nothing interesting to talk about, so I do apologize. However I would like to point out (as if I really had to) that tomorrow is Confection Appreciation Day*, so don't forget to remember your favourite confectionaries and enjoy them early and often! Yes yes, for those of you in lurve, you're allowed to dote on your S/O's as well, but some of us only have our chocolate to comfort us, you know? ^_^

Anyhoo, yeah.

And also, I have an interesting, yet random question/observation: why is it that no matter how hard we try to obscure/get rid of/work around gray hairs, they insist on standing up on-end in a way that makes them impossible to deal with? Seriously...I only have but a handful now *SNIFFLES*, but the ones that are there will not cooperate with me. And of course that whole story with plucking them causes more keeps me from just doing away with them. 0_o Oh, and another question: why must they always be in front where you/others cannot help but notice? (My Mom in particular seems to enjoy pointing mine out, then snickering loudly. Yeah, thanks for the reminder!!!) I realize a bottle of *insert hair-colouring product of choice here* would help, but I am highly sensitive to dyes and chemicals, so it's not a good option for me. I am seriously considering getting surface-level highlights, however! *GRUMBLES ABOUT OLD AGE*

That is really all I have to say right now. I seem to be very anti-social lately, I realize. Such is life, I guess. Springtime will certainly make things better, as long as it hurries up and gets here! (I imagine many of you concur with this statement about now, LOL.) *WONDERS IF PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL HAS BEEN STRANGLED YET*

P.S. Oh yeah, my Boss is awesome!!! He just gave all us office-folk V-Day candy FTW!!!111 He rocks!

*It's also funny when Googling a unique term brings up hits only from my LJ. Does this mean I (un)officially "own" the term and therefore have successfully created my own personal Holiday? Should I run to the Copyright office? If by some random luck it ends up a popular term someday, I just want you all to remember where it started, mmmkay? LOL.

love, nothing to write about, offbeat holidays, mmmmmm candy, random, holidays, work, crazy world, chocolate!!!!!, annoyances, burning questions, the wtf files

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