Stole this one from
thufer_hawat, looked interesting enough! :@ D
Stalkers, take note! There's useful "material" in here! LOL...
1. Did you have a New Year's resolution this year? I really don't think I did; I had no idea my year was going to turn out to be as it was from the start.
2. Who kissed you at Midnight? I have have to admit to this? Okay, fine. My friend Beth! It was a joke, only because there were no men in the house! And it was NOT on the lips - and we were NOT serious; in fact, we'd been drinking, so yeah!
3. Does it snow where you live? Not much, and if at all, mostly in the mountains (where it rightfully belongs).
4. Do you like hot chocolate? Sometimes. With marshmallows, of course!
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? Been to Times Square, yes, but not on New Year's. This is on my "To-Do List", however.
1. Who was your Valentine? Nobody. :@ (
2. When you were little, did you buy Valentines for your whole class? Yes, but only because we had to, and so nobody would feel left out, everyone had to get one.
3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? I really don't, because it's still Winter, no matter what he sees.
1. Are you Irish? With a last name of Sheehan, wouldn't you think? Just a wee bit Irish, of course - I'm also a mixture of other breeds. ^_~
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? Of course! Although my rule is: if you dare try and pinch an Irish lass, you'll be sorry later. ;@ )
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2006? Well, it was my Mom's Birthday, but instead of celebrating, I was taking care of my Grandma that day. (It was about a week before she died.) ;_;
4. Are you happy when Winter is pretty much over? Uhm, yeah. I'm not a Winter person; it's fun when you're a kid, but then once adulthood hits (and you have to drive in it, etc.)...not so much.
1. Do you like the rain? Not particularly, but growing up in Washington state, you learn to get used to it - in fact, I think we come equipped with Gore-Tex at birth. Thunderstorms are cool, though!
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? I wasn't so much in an "April Fool's" mood this year, but I've played some doozies in the past! *EVIL LAUGHTER*
3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter? More than I need, fo' sho', but I can't say no to chocolate.
4. Do you celebrate 4/20? I am aware of it, but I don't actively participate in the "festivities", if you will.
1. What's your favorite kind of flower? Fake ones - I'm allergic to real flowers!
2. Do you like the Spring? Much better than Winter, at least! It's when allergy season hits, though...ugh.
3. Finish the phrase "April showers..." ...are followed by May showers, and so on, and so on. AND "April showers bring the Mayflower."
4. What is the first color you think of when you think of Spring? Green! Durrrr.
1. What year did/will you graduate from highschool? Nine-een nine-y five! (Translation: 1995)
[WHERE DID #2 GO? Dammit, someone call in the continuity team; I'ma gonna ream their asses!]
3. Did you realize nothing special happens in June? Totally. WTF is with that? All we get is Flag Day, well, and how can we forget Father's Day? Don't you love your Daddy, person who wrote this?
1. What did you do on the Fourth of July? Uhhh, what did I do? Went to the parents house and hung out. Oh yeah, and watched idiot neighbours blow stuff up WAY too close to other houses. I really dread the 4th every year. @_@
2. Do you go on any vacations during this month? No, not really. I did go to Ocean Shores, though, which was fun.
3. Do you blast the A/C all day? We don't need no stinkin' A/C around here! We could have used one during the heat wave, but we only have fans, which were on all day.
1. Will you do anything special at the end of your Summer? Yes, I'm doing the 3-Day Breast Cancer walk.
2. What was your favorite Summer memory of '05? Do I have one? Oh yes, my bestest friend moved back to Washington from back East. She was overdue for her return, and I missed seeing her kids. Now they won't leave me alone! (LOL, kidding!)
3. Do you have a sunburn? If you'd asked me a couple months ago, yes, I did have a rather nasty one. It's all better now. Yay.
4. Do you go to the beach a lot? Not terribly much, although really I should go more often, like when I was a kid.
1. Did you attend school/college in '05? No, but I did contemplate it a bit. Then I got bettah.
2. Who is/was your favorite teacher? So many great teachers, I don't know who "wins" this one. I have to say I was very creatively inspired by Mrs. Ashe, my Creative Writing teacher in my Senior year - she helped me realize and encouraged the writing talents I never really thought I had.
3. Do you like Fall better than Summer? No...because it means the sunshine is going away and it starts raining and storming again. (And more allergies, to boot! If it's growing or dying, it'll make me sneeze!) :@ (
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume? Gah...I dunno! I rather fancied dressing as a Green M & M one year. ^_^
2. What's your favorite candy? Tootsie Rolls! And Kit Kat bars! Woooo!
3. What did you dress up like last year? I was a sort of Roman Princess kinda thing...I don't believe there are any good pictures to prove that, thankfully! It was for "one night only". *DESTROYS EVIDENCE*
1. Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving? My cousin Brian and his wife Kelli's HUGE FANCY house. (Which they have since sold and moved to an even bigger and fancier one.)
2. Do you love stuffing? Eeew, not really. Soggy, icky, gross.
3. What are you thankful for? Friends, family, the opportunities I've had to grow in life.
1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes, but I always feel so jaded (and guilty that I feel that way). It's kind of like Winter for me; fun when you're a kid, a hassle when you're an adult. Maybe when I have my own family this opinion will change.
2. If not, what do you celebrate? I've considered converting to Judaism, in which case I would celebrate Hanukkah.
3. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? No...*SNIFFLE*
4. Get anything special last year? I'm not even sure I remember what I got for Christmas! Is that sad or what?
5. What do you want this year? I don't worry about people giving me things; I'd rather give things to people. Although if someone would like to giftwrap a nice hunk of husband material, I'd be eternally grateful!
6. Do you like cold weather? Nooooooooooooo. I'm a warmth and sunshine-loving kind of person. (And to think I want to live in New York? LMAO...)
HOLY COW, I can't believe I just filled all that out! I need more to do at work! Or maybe I need to work more slowly? Is there such a thing as being too efficient? They shouldn't be paying me to waste time, LOL! @_@