Dubya Tee Eff?

Jul 07, 2006 10:00

Oh shit no! I'm demanding a recount!

You Are Most Like George W. Bush

So what if you're not exactly popular? You still rule the free world.
And while you may be quite conservative now, you knew how to party back in the day!
What Modern US President Are You Most Like?

None of the quiz choices I picked even began to sound like Dubya-isms. But of course, because of my outrage and anguish for this result, I just *had* to post it. "Shock and Awe" if you will. ^_^

I don't even begin to be as stupid as Shrub, thank ye Gods. Not to mention I didn't vote for him. Plus I don't publicly pick my nose at baseball games, and I know they don't speak Latin in Latin America. And I don't need my own speechwriters to tell me what to say. And I don't say things like "Is our children learning?" like it makes sense! And Lord knows I wouldn't wage a useless war to put and keep our Troops in harm's way, for what seems to be a waste of life and limb. (And money.) I am everything he isn't, dammit! @_@

Wow, who knew I could be so versed in politics? Not even I would have thought so. Wow, am I an adult or what? Yow! LOL...I thumb my nose at you, Mr. Bush! (Okay, so maybe I'm not *exactly* a mature adult yet...hehehehe.)

Edited to Add: What can I say: my entry tags sum Shrubya up quite well. Fancy that, eh?

Another Interesting Observation: Ooh, next year at this time it will be 07/07/07. Much better than that day we had a month ago!

world domination, random, rock the vote!, quizzy, thoughts, random observations, evil people and their cults, shrubya sucks, the wtf files, selfish people, political rants

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