So, certain government intelligence (<-- yeah, talk about an oxymoron) claim the North Korean's missiles could, theoretically, reach and/or strike the U.S. Mainland. Or, more specifically, the West Coast of the United States. GREAT!
N. Korea Nuke Testing Ponderings Now my thought is, say one of their future "tests" includes such an "attack"...can Patriot missiles counter and destroy a nuke without some sort of fallout? I guess it's something that hasn't had to be done, but...will we ever find out? I suppose it's something I may have to research one of these days, perhaps sooner than I might have thought. Or maybe paranoia prevails, enh. Gamer Geek Addendum: I do remember, when I used to play Sid Meier's Civilization II, that my military units could counter a nuke, but if not done "in time" it pretty. But, that was a computer game, too.
The mind is astir, to say the least. Not that I fear death by nukes, because if that were the case, I'd have little-to-no time to even think about it before being obliterated. Dude. Who'd have thought it would be even the eensiest, remotest possibility in their lifetime? It simply isn't just stuff of Sci-Fi books and movies anymore.
I personally think North Korea and Iran should play a little War Games - test their so-called "goods" out on each other...they seem so keen to find out, ya know?
As Keanu Reeves would say: "Whoa." Or maybe I should have said that in a Joey from Blossom kind of way.
Who wants to help me build a Fallout Shelter!?!? I'm bringing the DVDS and popcorn! ^_^