LMAO, okay, I know a few of you on my F-List are die-hard "Weird" Al Yankovic fans, and I just have to point something out that is hilarious; it's a new release he's done that isn't on any album yet; my local radio station played it this morning and it is very LOL-worthy. It's a spoof on a song I know many of you find annoying (due to overplay, for one): You're Beautiful by James Blunt. Al's version is MUCH MUCH funnier, and I *highly* recommend it.
Since it's a free MP3 that Al himself is sharing, I am pointing y'all to his official page so you can download and listen to it. It is a MUST LISTEN, even if you're not normally a "Weird" Al fan.
Look for the song: "You're Pitiful" (AKA the new song mentioned on the front page)
It's funny enough that I just changed it to
my profile song on MySpace, LOL. So, if you're afraid or unable to download it, you can hear it on there, even if you're not on MySpace. Yes, I know, MySpace is eeeeevil!
Al is a comic genius, no? ^_^
Grammar Whoredom Commentary: And yes, people, it *IS* YOU'RE, not YOUR. Unless YOUR pertains to something that is pitiful (YOUR hat, shoes, girlfriend), it is YOU'RE. "WHY OWE EWE *APOSTROPHE* ARR EEE" Thank you.