Ooookay Then...

May 17, 2006 21:03

Taylor vs. Katharine.



If anything a few weeks back, I would have thought Elliott and Chris. All the way. I never thought Kat would make it this far.

But TAYLOR? Sure, he's geekily adorable after a fashion, but he's KITSCHY. Lounge singer material. I can't see him producing a marketable Pop album. I still remember laughing at him during the audition phase thinking "there is NO way that guy is young enough for this show!" Sure, he's won me over in some strange ways, but I didn't think he'd EVER get to the Final.

But then again, I can't see Kat as the winner either...she's more of"Torch Singer" type. Sure, they've both had their good moments (Taylor was spot-on doing Springsteen, for one), but...they just don't strike me as American Idol winner material. Now Chris or Elliott, yes, I could have seen them; I would have settled for Taylor and Elliott (favouring Elliott, of course), but...I dunno. I do remember hearing Kat's name dropped even by Simon MONTHS before they aired the auditions, but gah, I just am not into her style so much. It was/is time for a guy to win again! Perhaps she'd still win over Taylor, though...we'll see, I guess.

This year's talent just doesn't compare to previous seasons...I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. But, I have faith Elliott will make a name for himself, fo' sho. I don't get the suddenly-biased-against-Elliott stuff, though. He's been consistant, talented, and he can move on the stage without looking ridiculous or vomit-worthy. Oh well, the upside is that he won't be under 19 Entertainment's contract on his album(s) production.

Ah well; this is why until now, I haven't had much commentary about the show as it is. Going on just my LJ friends and others though, I don't see how it came down to this, honestly. I've seen more Elliott and Chris backers than I ever did with the fair is the voting, honestly? X_X

So, who knows. Meh. Maybe I'll watch the Finale, maybe I won't. I'd have to say I'll be pulling for Taylor over Kat, though.

There is one good thing to think about: At least they haven't done American Juniors again, LOL.

american idol, reality tv

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