Picture this...or try to.
The Setting: Liquor store. Typical Saturday night, around 9 p.m. (the store is open until 10 p.m.).
The Scene: Two friends, both in their late twenties, walk in to purchase some liquor for another friend, whose Birthday is today.
FRIEND #1 is the person buying the liquor (about 4 ft. 9 in., blondish hair, blue eyes, and also approx. 4 months younger than Friend #2);
FRIEND #2 (who is about 5 ft. 5 in., with brown hair and eyes) has come along to help her decide which to get.
All goes as planned: After a little browsing, Friend #1 makes a quick call to the Birthday boy to ask what he'd like, and he tells her to just pick anything from the Scotch section. The two friends do so, then go to the checkout counter.
(At a typical checkout counter; a few people are in line.)
The CASHIER, who probably one day came to America from somewhere in Asia with hopes and dreams of one day working in this country, looks at the two friends, not knowing that's what they are. Each probably looks younger than their true ages, but old enough to be shopping in a Liquor store.
Cashier, to Friend #1: [Looks at Friend #2] (In broken English) She your daughter?
Friend #1: WHAT?
Cashier: (Looks at Friend #2, then at Friend #1) [Points to Friend #2]: Who is she?
Friend #1: [Looks puzzled and befuddled] Uhm, she's my FRIEND.
Cashier: [Looks at Friend #2]: Can I see some I.D.? [Looks at Friend #1]: Your I.D. too.
Friend #2: [Opens purse, takes out and hands I.D. to Cashier] We're uh, actually the same age. [Looks at Friend #1 in confusion]
Friend #1: (Whispering) What the hell? How could I be your MOTHER when you're 4 months older than me?!?! And do I really look like I could be your mother? [Looks at Cashier with shock & awe]
Friend #2: [Clearly shocked beyond words]: I dunno...seriously? What?
(The Cashier has no answer or reaction to this - just checks their I.D.s, makes the sale, and sends them on their way.)
Both Friends begin to laugh hysterically as they leave the store.
Friend #1: Please just kill me now.
Friend #2: Would you like me to push you in front of a car before we leave here?
(Upon entering the car, the first thing Friend #1 does is call said Birthday boy to tell him what just happened. The scene ends with various humourous exchanges between the friends as they drive off, promising to post about this later in their journals.)
Seriously, this happened TONIGHT...to
ashjulall and I. She was buying the Scotch for her BF, and I was just there to help her pick it. Honestly, neither one of us looks older than maybe our early/mid-twenties, and technically I am OLDER than her by 4 months. She's shorter, and therefore you'd think would look younger than ME anyway, and the Cashier guy asked HER if I was HER DAUGHTER. We have never laughed so hysterically in public before (while sober, at least). Sure, they're supposed to ask for I.D. if a person appears 30 or younger or whatnot, but he didn't even directly ask ME for I.D. or anything, just looked at me for a few seconds, then asked HER who I was. (As if I couldn't answer for myself!) Beth pretty much decided she needed several stiff drinks after hearing that. LMAO. I'm sure she'll be posting about this tomorrow, if she hasn't had a quarter-life crisis by then. ^_~
The thing of it is (THE KICKER!), I'm pretty sure we've been in that very same Liquor store before, with that very same Cashier working there, when both of us were buying stuff.
You look just fine, Beth! Not a day over...(a woman never tells!) well, definitely not old enough to be my mother, and certainly not even old enough to actually have 3 kids (under the age of 10, at that)! ;@ )
SRSLY. WTF? Has anyone else had something this randomly hilarious happen to them regarding Bars/Liquor Stores/Etc.? And I thought it was depressing enough when people haven't carded me at bars and grocery stores like they used to! @_@
You just can't make this stuff up. We could write a book about the weird things that have happened to us over the years!
Pee.Ess. Also, this has become another G.I.P.; I made it yesterday, but it's more than perfect to use now. ;@ )