Feb 03, 2006 09:10
Dear Idiot Sound Transit Workers:
I know you've been just outside our building for quite some time doing your "Light Rail" thing, digging along, clearing the shrubbery and trees behind us and yadda yadda, but could you PLEASE stop shaking our building, or wait until after working hours (how about a weekend)? It's enough that the occasional jarring rumble makes it hard to concentrate, but this near-constant *strong* shaking you've got going as of today makes for poor coordination in this here office! Geesh. We wouldn't even know if there was ever an earthquake at this point! It makes it hard to think, type, and most of all, WALK when this is going on.
We are an on-edge people (especially since there actually *was* a mild earthquake last night just North of here).
Plz stop, kthx.
P.S. Also, it is the Boss Guy's Birthday today, and we really don't want to see him in an annoyed mood, if that isn't enough to get you to cut it! Trust me, you don't want to make him angry, even if we do have cake! Course, if you could channel this energy into helping the Seahawks at the Super Bowl...we could maybe negotiate something!
sound transit construction,
the airing of grievances,
shaker quakers,