Jul 30, 2005 12:37

moving and cleaning suck. so, we finally got EVERYTHING moved out of the apartment (and our house is crammed full with boxes) and cleaned that apartment til it gleamed! We had our check out this morning, hopefully the LAST TIME we ever need to deal with Linda! You can't really believe anything that woman says, because she's completely artificial but she seemed amazed at how clean the apartment was, and said she'd probably only charge us $25 out of our deposit. I'm praying that's true, because we could REALLY use that money back, but I'll believe it when I see it.

I've been pulling marathon weekends with all my goddamn homework lately. Between that and moving I am utterly exhausted - just in time to start back to work on Monday! argh. I need to graduate like NOW... but instead, I'm off to St. Paul to meet with my capstone group at 1.

If I don't update again later assume I've fallen into a deep sleep and can't wake up for a couple of weeks at least.
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