Title: Waking Up Married
JillmariejPairing: Jared Padalecki / Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 28500
Warnings: none
spn_meanttobe Prompt: 54. Waking Up Married
Her first thought: "Who are you?"
It's the morning after her cousin's bachelorette party in Vegas and Megan Scott wakes up with the mother of all hangovers. Even worse, she's in a stranger's penthouse having woken up with something else as well-a funny, arrogant, sexy…husband!
Up until now, finding even a boyfriend had seemed impossible-been there, got the broken heart, sworn off men for good. Then a few martinis with Carter…no, Connor Reed and she's gone from first meet to marriage in one night!
Megan wants a lawyer. But Connor's shocking bombshell? "I don't want a divorce."
Summary:It's the morning after his cousin's bachelor party in Vegas and Jared Padalecki wakes up with the mother of all hangovers. Even worse, he's in a stranger's penthouse having woken up with something else as well-a funny, arrogant, sexy…husband!
Up until now, finding even a boyfriend had seemed impossible-been there, got the broken heart, sworn off men for good. Then a few (dozen) drinks and a couple of body shots with Jason…no, Jensen Ackles and he's gone from first meet to marriage in one night!
When Jared accidentally tells Jensen's boss they're married, Jensen's life becomes a chaotic mess.
Thank you to my betas
dugindeep and especially to
aire-blair for whipping this into shape and holding my hand and cheering me on.
Disclaimer: Just casting these beautiful boys in my fiction. No harm meant, no money made.
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7 Chapter 8