Art Title: Not a Creature was Stirring
Prompt Number: 3019
foolsdance Fic Title: PDA - Public Displays of Aggression
jillmariejFandom/Genre: RPS - romance, teen angst
Pairing(s): Jared/Jensen
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 22,000
Warnings: none
Summary: Jared hates Jensen; he hates everything about the guy, especially how he has everyone fooled. Jensen adores Jared but can't win him over no matter what he does.
Disclaimer: Just casting these beautiful boys in my fiction. No harm meant, no money made.
Art Link(s):
LJFic Link(s):
lj AO3Thanks to:
foolsdance for her art and her encouragement. And to
keep_waking_up, and
hezio2 for their incredible beta'ing and cheer-leading. Any mistakes left are all mine.