1 month 8 days, since we been tgt, nvr knew i wld be so cheesy about it, other then terry i think u are the 2nd one that got me gaga over... it is really not easy to forget abt the past relationships.
i know i ask for it, looking thru ur past pics/gifts ur ex gave u.it makes my BLOOD boil. thats when i realised u meant alot to me. the night when i cried and u held me tight in ur arms saying 'dun cry, stop.im here, i will protect u and i will bring u happiness'
sorry abt making u feel uneasy and stressful in the club too...i really din mean to have such endings. u don't have to keep checking up on me and all, cos 1 thing for sure i learnt my mistakes, i did it once before..and i regretted that. do u know that u are so special? so truly special.
time after time u bought me lil gifts, choco/storybook/sealseal num 2/ bb tea etc. u show me u treasure this r/s. now its my turn to show u what im capable off. =) time to forget abt the past. and embrace my future alongside with u.

Oh ya, fore i forget. HAPPY 1 MTH ANNI to us!!! tho late by 8 days but still I REMEMBERED! haaz.

lmk <3 ccf dip dip like the intake of food ccf eats everyday. :P