Sun, 16:02: RT @ capandcane: Tank hates when people patronizingly (as opposed to nicely) open doors for him, won't go thru. Has been in minutes-long sta…
Sun, 16:02: RT @ capandcane: Yesterday, ppl at event kept telling ME where to find elevator for HIM. A. Talk to, not about, him. B. He's slow but pref…
Sun, 16:04: RT @ bradfitz: The @ United social media team sucks but at least it looks like the free travel dress code is enforced consistently. (e.g. thi…
Sun, 17:08: RT @ hsofia: I love how @ RepJayapal has hit the ground running. 1st term in Congress & she wastes no time. Read text of HR 676: https://t.c…
Mon, 09:06: RT @ FaithErinHicks: Looked up the American Psycho movie on Wikipedia and Christian Bale's description of Tom Cruise is the most perfect thi…
Mon, 09:10: RT @ Blackamazon: " human survives birth in country with obscenely high mortality rate and stays their ass home with the human they just bir…
Mon, 09:10: RT @ Blackamazon: " students are well supported so success is based on their merit, drive and solid support in finding their talents not luc…
Mon, 09:10: RT @ Blackamazon: Morning. Stop valorizing terrible conditions demanding superhuman work ethic as achievement rather than terrible indictmen…
Mon, 09:10: RT @ Blackamazon: " class valedictorian is able to not have ulcer and sleep better because country she lives in isn't hellacape bankrupting…
Mon, 09:15: RT @ dinapomeranz: This study by Besley, et al. surprised me: Gender quotas in Sweden *increased* competence of elected officials https://t.…
Mon, 09:20: RT @ heidiheilig: Look. We punch fascists. We vandalize transphobia. We shut down hate. The allies didn't send hallmark cards, they stormed…
Mon, 09:23: RT @ SamSykesSwears: 2013: "Pffft. All these politics and Washington red tape. Why do we have so much bureaucracy?" 2017: "oh thaaaaat's why…
Mon, 11:26: RT @ NickBertke: Photorealism doesn't lend its self to animation. It either looks vacant or uncanny. Which of these versions say more about…