Fri, 14:13: RT @ tonybreed: Here's the best Adam Green comic ever. Please read & memorize so we can make references to it when we see each other: http:/…
Fri, 15:34: Googled myself. First accurate hits (results pages 4 and 5) were me on indie comic books I've helped fund. #winning#lifegoals
Fri, 16:00: RT @ jameslucasjones: This is an opportunity for the Dems to learn a lesson. Introduce a single-payer plan NOW. Let the GOP fight it. https:…
Fri, 16:39: RT @ rudepundit: One thing that's clear: Obstruction to Obama was the only thing unifying Republicans. Without obstruction, they have no ide…
Fri, 20:30: RT @ so_engery: I'm just gonna put it out there that I'm ready to draw a hockey punk vamp-murder comic for anyone willing to give me $$ for…