Sun, 12:32: George Carlin and Ringo Starr narration is so surreal while watching Thomas the Tank Engine.
Sun, 15:56: RT @ debrahilstrom: Tuesday #mnleg will hear a bill to reopen the Private Prisons in #MN Public Safety Cmtee. I have an amendment to BAN the…
Sun, 16:16: RT @ meakoopa: Tim Allen had a show where this hot guy was too kind & disinterested in performative masculinity so we were supposed to think…
Sun, 16:19: While folding socks today I also flailed out loud about how my grandkids won't know what snow is. Multi faceted is me.
Sun, 16:31: Husband is currently installing new blinds in the kiddo's room. With the kiddo's "help". They fried eggs together earlier today. 😍
Mon, 08:54: RT @ NotPrunes: People say that Trump makes spending cuts WHILE spending a lot on his family/himself. But I think it's partially BECAUSE he…
Mon, 09:07: RT @ ElitatheLibra: Several states have done this to welfare recipients only to conclude that 98% of them were not using drugs.…
Mon, 09:10: I, uh, was really unsure what I googled to get these advertised to me. And then looked closer: oh, these are makeup…
Mon, 11:24: I totally avoided any eye contact with the preK teacher this morning in the parking lot. I'm not proud of it. But, school's back in session.