Fri, 12:23: Erg. I bet this sweater's pattern has a typo for button size. Thinking it should've been 5/8" instead of 5/16". 7/16" buttons look small.
Fri, 12:24: They didn't have any 5/16" shank buttons at the store, so 7/16" was closest I could find. Bigger in pattern's picture, I think.
Fri, 12:25: Appropriate sized button holes are awfully close to size of a stitch, which might be hard for small hands to discern between. :/
Fri, 12:26: I also didn't take my vitamin D today, which isn't helping.
Fri, 14:36: RT @ tonybreed: In honor of St Pat's day and #45's fuckwit budget, I want to remind you that the Great Potato Famine was caused by heartless…
Fri, 19:42: RT @ mark_tarello: AWESOME! Ice pancakes seen during sunrise this week from Duluth, Minnesota. Photo credit: Dawn LaPointe. #Duluth#MNwx ht…
Fri, 19:50: I have misplaced a library book that I haven't finished yet and is due next week. *tears house apart*
Sat, 08:00: RT @ kellyhogaboom: This St. Paddy's day my Twitter is chill; FB is full of people drinking & pretending they like their life. :/
Sat, 08:01: RT @ bourgeoisalien: the saddest part about self driving cars will be all the times people die mid trip and then ur dinner guests or pizza g…
Sat, 08:26: RT @ comicnrrd: I took my money out of Barclay's and put it in C.U. even though I was making close to $1K/yr interest and as an artist I nee…
Sat, 08:34: RT @ hsofia: Friends, please read this thread so that when I one day allude to "dirty elephants" you'll know what I'm talking about. Thanks.…
Sat, 08:38: RT @ thesusan: RT if you love it when your tax money helps people less fortunate than yourself
Sat, 08:47: The hardest part of my Masters were all the papers I had to write. I don't want to write more for a PhD.